FB Pixel Tracking Gillette hits it out of the park, challenging the notion “boys will be boys,” with its rebranded tagline "The Best Men Can Be" - Matrix Bricks

Gillette hits it out of the park, challenging the notion “boys will be boys,” with its rebranded tagline “The Best Men Can Be”

There have been many amazing marketing efforts lately, yet this one is somewhat unique. The strength of this message resounds further than most, tending to troublesome discussions and the upsetting reality that we face in the world today.

Gillette decided to grandstand all that men can be by accepting their qualities and shortcomings and deciding to defend common decency. Considering the #MeToo development, and numerous other related fundamental issues that have become exposed subsequently, the advertisement shows that Gillette perceives the effect they have and how they can improve the future by going down an alternate way.

What makes this promotion so uncommon is that Gillette is recognizing their shortcomings and admitting they had been a contributor to the issue. Toward the start of the promotion, the old ad trademark of “The Best A Man Can Get” is shown, and a while later even raises the concerns back onto them.

The initial move toward change and improvement is recognizing shortcomings and past disappointments to push ahead. Gillette chose to rebrand themselves for the future to the best men can be, nailing it with this digital marketing effort.

In this advertisement, Gillette is requesting that men focus on generosity, solidarity, and everyday courtesy. As anticipated, men’s-rights activists and associated groups are dismissing this without a second thought.

On January 14, 2019, the brand released a new short film called “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be.” Directed by Kim Gehrig, the ad takes stock of harmful behaviors that have been coded as “masculine.” It references bullying, sexual harassment, mansplaining, and the sexual-misconduct allegations that started in 2017 with Harvey Weinstein. It also challenges the notion that “boys will be boys,” and concedes that its past ads often told a one-note story about masculinity.

“We believe in the best in men, to say the right thing, to act the right way,” the voiceover proclaims. “Some already are, in ways big and small. But some is not enough, because the boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow.”
The clip has sparked major discussion online; the YouTube video has been downvoted over 300,000 times in comparison to its 65,000 upvotes. On Twitter, the brand’s post containing the video has been retweeted over 46,000 times, and generated over 23,000 replies.

Among the replies is a fair amount of backlash: “Well that’s pretty insulting … does Gillette honestly think that real men have to be told what to teach their sons. Maybe it is time to look for a new razor,” Bernard Kerik, the former New York City Police Chief who served three years in prison on fraud charges, wrote. A Voice for Men, the men’s-rights group that was listed as a hate group in 2018 by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is urging followers to boycott the brand. Piers Morgan also chimed in, in a very Piers Morgan way:

Others don’t see the harm in a video that asks men to hold one another accountable, and serve as positive role models.

As Pankaj Bhalla, Gillette’s North America brand chief, told CNN Business, “We anticipated discussion. All things considered, a conversation is important. Assuming we don’t examine and don’t discuss it, I don’t figure genuine change will occur.” He likewise explained that the video “isn’t about harmful masculinity. It is about men taking more action consistently to set the best model for the future. This was planned to just say that the adversary for us all is inaction.”

The brand is additionally promising $1 million every year for the following three years to not-for-profits pointed toward supporting and aiding young men and men be simply the best forms; their first accomplice will be the Boys and Girls Club of America. It’s as yet a promotion, obviously, so it references the brand’s “The Best a Man Can Get” trademark heavily: “Our slogan needs to keep on motivating all of us to be better consistently, and to assist with making another norm for young men to respect and for men to accomplish.”

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