FB Pixel Tracking Follow these tips to get your app listed higher on google play store - Matrix Bricks

Follow these tips to get your app listed higher on google play store

follow these tips to get your app listed higher on google play store

When you visit the Google Play Store, you may come across three million mobile apps under 30 categories. The rank of the app totally depends on various factors even when the developer has understood the target audience. So, if you are looking to enhance the rank, then you should go through the tips compiled below.

Build an app which people want

If you would be developing an app which people don’t wish to explore, then there’s no hope for using it at any point in time. Search engines like Google ranks the app on the basis of how much time users have spent in using the app. Moreover, the frequency of app usage also determines the position within the search engine results.

Organic growth

Google always checks the source of how the customers have found the app. Organic downloads refer to those which users discover without displaying ads on networks like Facebook and the Google Play Store. In-app referrals, content marketing, and social media are some of the mediums that help in driving organic growth. Contact digital marketing companies in Navi Mumbai to get a clear idea how you can increase organic growth.

Time spent

If you have developed an app which users love, then they would certainly be spending more time every week once the app is installed on the smartphone. The rank depends on the time spent which should be more than 1 hour every week.

Number of overall downloads

As you developed the business day by day and start improving the app, you can observe an increase in the number of downloads. The rating of the app is bound to be high in case the download rate is consistent.

App Store rating

The best apps usually have a rating of 4.4 out of 5. Google is sure to penalize the development company if the app developers have tried to get fake reviews and ratings. Interacting with users and taking feedback seriously can actually help to improve the app and enhance the rating. Users would be delighted to use the app only if the feedback is considered and implemented at a later instance.

Finally, the app store rating is determined when Google tracks keywords like ‘love’, ‘like’ and ‘useful’. If the user leaves behind a negative review, you should respond to the comment instantly or call the individual personally. Do get in touch with a digital marketing company in Mumbai if you want to promote the app on the Google Play Store.

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