FB Pixel Tracking How to Transform Your Brand Crisis Into a Win for Your Brand - Matrix Bricks

How to Transform Your Brand Crisis Into a Win for Your Brand

how to transform your brand crisis into a win for your brandWe are living in times when popularity of a brand is measured by its worth on Social Media Platform. How many people do they have on Instagram or Twitter? How much likes they have on their Facebook profile? etc., are some questions which define the brand awareness and its association with its audience.

But these are even some times when a client acts together with the brand on social media platform. Have not all we been observer to Twitterattis coming out to brands to protest regarding their product quality or delivery concern etc.? Brands even are aggressively engaging with their viewers and noticing to their questions online.

Though, there are even some negative reviews that go viral on different Social Media platforms, supporting a lot more to come out of hiding as well as discuss about the brand. In such conditions, brands must be conscious and confirm they deal with it perfectly. Trolls have the enough control to destroy the image of your brand, and you as a specific brand have the chance to set it perfectly with an efficient campaign on social media.

It makes one surprise, how can you turn a depressing review or disparagement that is a right of user to express or a marketing campaign gone incorrect into your favor. We discussed to experts of social media and brand consultants to check out.

The Social Media’s Power

As the case in underline is cab aggregator application Ola’s reaction to a user declaring to have rejected a cab as the driver was a Muslim. Ola did not delay its reaction and said, “Ola, loves our nation, is a secular stand, and we do not distinguish our customers or driver partners basis their religion, caste, creed or gender. We support all our driver partners and customers to treat each other with high opinion every time.”

Even as the tweet received 23k likes and 11k retweets, it even effected in an accidental campaign in favor of Ola. Tweeples began joking regarding why they rejected an Ola cab just because of a stupid reason, all in excellent humor that just led to popularity of Ola. One more user even spoke regarding how she had removed Ola from their phone but is all set to ride again with the application as of the response of company.

The example of Ola is a rarity case; there are several examples of anger online that have led to the specific brand taking a great hit. Amazon India even came under the fire as of their support in the direction of actress Swara Bhaskar that had spoken regarding the incident of Kathua rape. Extremists made decision to call out the firm and asked users to remove the app. Amazon goes on to remove the tweet regarding the actress, affecting in some others things the move.

Marketing campaigns even have gone incorrect. Kalyan Jewellers had experienced the ire of their viewers for portraying discrimination throughout their advertisement.

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